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Cooling Detox

Cooling Detox


A modern rendition of the classic Ayurvedic formula “Tiktaka Ghee”, Cooling Detox is used for detoxifying all the body’s systems and organs, breaking through obstinate or deep-seated conditions of inflammation, raising immunity, and extinguishing excess fire and heat from the body, mind, and emotions. Reflecting ghee’s new journey, this classic now incorporates herbs from multiple ancient healing traditions bringing new flavors, attributes, and potency to a staple of Ayurvedic medicine.






Bupleurum, White Peony rt, Dandelion rt, Milk Thisle sd, Gentian, Kutki, Phyllanthus, Neem, Manjistha, Musta, Cat's Claw, Licorice rt (organic), ghee (organic)

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